Thursday, May 3, 2007

We thought we'd give a little background of the biggest issue facing Thomas at the moment - Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
BPD is a chronic lung disorder, and is very common in 24 weekers. In the last post, we mentioned that Thomas had graduated to CPAP -but we didn't say exactly why this was such a good thing. BPD is exacerbated by intubation (having a ventilator tube blowing air right into the lungs) - and so to have the ventilator tube removed - is really just a very good thing. (every time a child is extubated (tube removed) in the NICU it's obvious, b/c all nurses and doctors do a little celebration) Every day Thomas is not intubated, his lungs have a chance to recover. Even so, Thomas has months of recovery in the hospital, as well as possibly years of recovery, in front of him. Only time will tell how well his lungs will function - but the good news is that there is a good change of recovery to pretty normal lung functioning within a few years.

So each day the oxygen Thomas is given is monitored - and an increase in the oxygen requirements means a possible worsening of the lungs (but it also could mean a variety of other things - such as needing to be suctioned b/c Thomas will not learn how to swallow for about four more weeks). Today is O2 requirements are a little less than yesterday (little hooray!) - but as they fluctuate - a little less one day doesn't give any more information than that it's down today from yesterday. But TJC mom and dad, while knowing things to take things one day at a time, are learning to celebrate the little victories. It would be hard to look at this little guy and feel anything but unbelievably proud.

And while TJC mom and dad to not take news of a lung disorder lightly, we've recently been given good news about cardiac and neurological issues which Thomas had been facing - and so having to watch Thomas fight only one issue is fine with us for now. Thank you to all of our friends - and we're learning you're all over the place (California, Florida, Michigan, Massachusetts, Canada, Israel and Egypt)....please keep the positive energy going!

Thomas James is currently weighing in at 1 lb. 13.6 oz - and they've just upped the calories which are added to his yummy breast milk. (everyone think fat thoughts - Thomas's second biggest issue right now is that he needs to gain some serious weight!) Thomas is fed through a tube which goes directly into his stomach - and currently this is the only invader of his body. The last IV was removed a few days ago - and having no IVs means the chance of infection is cut dramatically (a strong positive). And as all things go in the NICU - just because it's removed today, does not mean it might not have to be put back tomorrow - but it's out now....and that's a good thing.

That's it for today....

Here are a few favorite pics from the past two days...enjoy!

We'll be in touch soon...
-TJC mom and dad

1 comment:

liz.mccarthy said...

Hi, thanks so much for visiting my blog...I'm so happy to hear Thomas is growing...You should come to the Micro Preemie Support Group I started. it's a great group of moms (and 2 dads)....