I reached the two pound mark today
I think its time to go out and play
But all I'm told is "reserve my energy"
So I can gain pounds to equal "3"
And a little update on Thomas's other progress....
Over the weekend Thomas developed symptoms of a small infection and was told he had a low blood count. (the low blood count occurs periodically because micro-preemies are unable to produce enough blood cells to support themselves. As Thomas James grows and becomes stronger, his body will be able to begin to produce the blood cells it needs to support itself.) As a result, the doctors immediately ordered a blood transfusion and antibiotics. The idea is to treat the situation as serious, and hopefully decrease support after finding out it is not.
Fortunately, Thomas responded immediately to both the transfusion and the antibiotics. He'll be on the antibiotics for a few more days....but while Thomas may have developed a bit of an "ick", the doctors are not concerned at the moment about any major infection.
One good thing to come out of this episode, was that Thomas received another chest x-ray to see if the infection somehow worsened his lungs...and not only had it not, but his lungs showed a tiny bit of improvement.
TJC mom and dad....as always...could not be prouder of their little guy.
Here are some pics from the last few days showing off his newly grown fat.

We'll be back soon - thanks for sharing!
-TJC mom and dad
Dear Michelle and Bart,
Congratulations to Thomas James on his weight gain. He is so precious.
Keep up the good work.
All our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Love, Aunt Elizabeth
hi michelle and bart,
i'm typing with one hand because my left elbow is broken and healing after surgery. it's so good to see photos of thomas james at two lbs. the photo of him on his tummy is so cute. god bless your family. all will be well and there is much joy to come. love, cousin joanna
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