Sunday, July 22, 2007

lean and mean....

As of this morning, Thomas is weighing in at 7 pounds, .8 ounces. Thomas passed the 7 pound mark on Tuesday, but as a result of receiving a new dose of lasix and being put back on his diuretic, his weight is down a bit from his high of 7 pounds 3 oz. The doctors and TJCmom and dad decided that being back on the diuretic was the best course for Thomas because he was gaining a lot of weight and was not making the corresponding respiratory progress. And fortunately, since being back on the diuretic, we have been able to begin to ween Thomas back down on his oxygen flow - he is currently fluctuating between 25 and 28% - having been stuck at 30% for the previous three weeks.

Thomas had his first field trip this week - down to have his first MRI - and all of Thomas's doctors are pleased with the results. It seems as it the brain hemorrhage Thomas had during his first week is resolving itself without damage to his brain tissue. Only time will tell how the bleed will affect Thomas's development, but for now we seem to be in a good place.

To give a little perspective on how far Thomas has come, his due date was this week - the 17th. And now that Thomas is full term, Team TJC is looking to get him home soon. We're still not sure exactly when that will be, but we're all working to get our little man ready. He is now taking his milk fortified with the powder that he will be coming home on and TJCmom has been trained to give him all his medications. So we'll see what the next week or two bring.... but whenever Thomas is able to come home, TJCmom and dad are, as always, extremely proud of their little guy.

We've included some of our favorites pictures from the last week - enjoy!

Thanks for sharing - we'll be back soon.
-TJCmom and dad

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