Sunday, July 15, 2007

Day 111...and still going strong

As of this morning, Thomas is weighing in at 6 lbs, 13.5 oz. He is currently on 3 liters of flow at 30% O2. Thomas's eye doctor continues to be pleased with his progress and Thomas's primary doctors are pleased with his respiratory progress. We've been in a bit of a holding pattern for the past few weeks, unable to successfully ween Thomas's O2 flow below 3 liters, but no one seems terribly concerned. There has been some discussion about taking Thomas home on his current mode of support - his high flow cannula - but we're all ("all" being TJC mom and dad, and TJC's doctors) waiting another week or so to see whether we are able to continue to ween Thomas before moving towards making any decisions.

We've added a mobile to Thomas's crib this week and have found it a fabulous way of calming him out of his temper'll see it in a few of the pictures below. Other than that - and a possible MRI this week - things are fairly quiet...nice and quiet in our corner of the NICU (knock on wood, fingers crossed, hopping on one foot..)

As always, TJCmom and dad are extremely proud of our little guy.

Below are a bunch of new pictures - enjoy!

Thanks for sharing - we'll be back soon!
-TJCmom and dad

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