Monday, July 30, 2007

And the countdown begins.....

As of this morning, Thomas is weighing in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces. He is currently on 3 liters, holding steady around 25% - and Thomas has begun to use the regular cannula 3 hours a day, 2x a day - on one liter at around 28%. The reason for the trial time on the regular cannula is so that Thomas can be portable when he comes home - as he will not be so with his home high flow setup. Although TJCmom and dad have discussed adding more time on the regular cannula, TJC's doctors do not seem to be in the mood to rock the boat before he goes home. Any further weaning of Thomas's oxygen will be planned by Thomas's pediatrician and pulmonologist, and executed by TJCmom and dad at home.

And, if you hadn't guessed, all of this mention of "before he comes home" is because we have an estimated discharge date for Thomas - August 7th!! As heaps of data and every doctor and nurse in the NICU have indicated, babies seem to do exceptionally well once they get home...and TJCmom and dad can't wait to see what kind of progress our little guy can make once he's in his own crib!!

We are, as always, extremely proud of our little guy.
We've included some of our favorite pictures from the last week - enjoy!

Thanks for sharing, we'll keep you posted as to how the next week goes!
-TJCmom and dad

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!